Years: 2022 - 2024
NWO Open Science application with: Jill Hilditch (archaeologist, ACASA), Hugo Huurdeman (information science, human-computer interaction, designer (Timeless Future))
Supervision: Jill Hilditch / Jitte Waagen
Concept development: Jill Hilditch / Tijm Lanjouw / Hugo Huurdeman / Jitte Waagen
Technical development: Markus Stoffer / Tijm Lanjouw / Hugo Huurdeman
Project description: The project is an interdisciplinary collaboration on developing and deploying a 3D viewer for education and research purposes. This project, which we called 3DWorkSpace, combines forces of the Tracing the Potters Wheel project of Jill Hilditch and the 4D Research Lab, and is being executed in cooperation with Paul Melis and Casper van Leeuwen from SURF and the developers of the Smithsonian Institute represented by Jamie Cope, computer engineer at the Digitization Program Office of the Smithsonian Institute.
3DWorkSpace aims to facilitate re-use of 3D models through the addition of annotations and narratives, as well as side-by-side comparison of multiple models, within an online app environment adapted from the open source Voyager platform. It will allow data enrichment by enabling multi-authoring through the built-in annotation system, as well as through linkage to datasets (e.g., thesauri and museum catalogues) available as Linked Open Data (LOD).
Two heritage-based case studies, production traces on experimental ceramics from the Tracing the Potter’s Wheel and a drone-based dataset from the 4D Research Lab, will allow full exploration of diverse 3D models for the implementation and testing of the adapted Voyager environment. Learning pathways, using the Voyager annotation feature, will train users in the necessary skills for guiding analysis of the 3D data models.
Blog post project announcement
Blog post conceptual development
Hilditch, J., Waagen, J., Huurdeman, H., Lanjouw, T., Opgenhaffen, L., & van Wissen, L. (2022). 3DWorkSpace - an open science/interactive tool for 3D datasets. TMA: tijdschrift voor mediterrane archeologie, 34(67), 49. [details]