Tutorials are practical classes aimed at skill acquisition. The student works on a particular subject or technique over the course of a few weeks. The primary skills taught here are the use of 3D modelling software, and documenting objects with 3D scanners and image based modelling. Please contact us if you are interested in doing a tutorial at the 4D Research Lab.
If you want to expand your knowledge of 3D techniques and use it to answer your own research questions, or perhaps you would like to develop your own augmented reality or virtual reality app, you can choose to write your BA or MA thesis with us. You will be stimulated to learn more in depth about the uses and pitfalls of 3D reconstruction, 3D documentation and visualization for academic research, and develop your own views on these subjects. Depending on the subject, practical guidance is given by Tijm Lanjouw, our 3D modeller or Jitte Waagen, the specialist on image based 3D recording.

We run workshops aimed to introduce students and researchers to some basic concepts of 3D technologies for material culture research. Workshops typically are half, one or two days in length and may be customised to your requests. Please contact us for the possibilities.
3D model of 'The Casa Bartholdy fresco cycle' made by a student 'Conservation and Restoration of Historic Interiors'.