4DRL Report Series

The 4D Research Lab Report Series (4DRL Report Series) is a journal that has been established as an instrument to promote transparency regarding the 4DRL virtual visualisation projects, workflow and pipeline development and technical experiments. The aim is to maximize knowledge sharing, meta- and paradata communication and clarification of author- and ownership of 4D Research Lab products.

4DRL Report Series 1 - Making 4D: principles and standards for virtual reconstruction in the humanities by the 4D Research Lab

4DRL Report Series 2 - The UNESCO Pressroom by Gerrit Rietveld: digital reconstruction for a study of colour use

4DRL Report Series 3 - The digital 3D reconstruction of the 18th c. Bloemstraat and Eerste Bloemdwarstraat

4DRL Report Series 4 - In search of a castle: Multisensor UAS research at the Medieval site of ‘t Huijs ten Bosch, Weesp

4DRL Report Series 5 - Drone remote sensing over a late Iron Age/Roman period landscape in Lionserpolder, Friesland

4DRL Report Series 6 - Reconstructing the Shigiory Torbinata: Using 3D scanning as a tool for conserving the work of Ferdi

4DRL Report Series 7 - Two Sides of the Same Coin: Digitizing the Allard Pierson’s Roman coin collection using cross-polarisation photogrammetry and RTI

4DRL Report Series 8 - Scanning for restitution: Documenting the Allard Pierson’s Centuripe pyxis using cross-polarisation photogrammetry and RTI


The 4D Research Lab values 'responsible' modelling, and adheres to internationally accepted principle documents such as the London Charter and the Sevilla principles.

4D Research Lab principles statement

An outline of our main principles and vision regarding the role of 3D modelling and visualisation in the study of the past.

Template for 3D visualisation projects and reports

Our work template that we use to structure the reports

Degrees of certainty for reconstructions

Our approach to dealing with uncertainty in 3D visualisation.