3D Restoration of Ferdi's Hortisculptures 

Year: 2023 - 2024

Commissioned by: Charlotte Franzen, Bonnefanten Museum

Data collection and modelling: Alicia Walsh, Tijm Lanjouw

Project description: This project was commissioned by the Bonnefanten Museum in collaboration with Ellen Jansen (UvA Conservation and Resoration) and Katja van de Braak (Independent conservator).

Two sculptures from the artist Ferdi's (1927-1969) Hortisculpture collection have experienced damage over time and are undergoing restoration. Using the Artec Leo to 3D scan the sculptures Shigiory Torbinata and Labia Virginica Grandiflora, we were able to document and reconstruct the colour patterns found on the sun damaged fabrics. These patterns are printed onto new fabrics, which are then sown back onto the sculptures.


Walsh, Alicia; Lanjouw, Tijm (2024). 4DRL Report Series 6 - Reconstructing the Shigiory Torbinata: Using 3D scanning as a tool for conserving the work of Ferdi. 

3D scanning the Labia Virginica Grandiflora
3D scanning the Labia Virginica Grandiflora
3D scanning the Shigiory Torbinata
3D scanning the Shigiory Torbinata